Algonquian Components Bibliography

NOTE: Due to a mysterious disappearance of files from Google Drive, many of the links below are currently broken. We are working to fix this. In the meantime, if there’s something you’re looking for that’s listed but not available, contact Monica Macaulay at

This is a collection of resources used in the Nisinoon project to collect data on derivational morphemes in Algonquian languages. It was compiled by Monica Macaulay (University of Wisconsin-Madison) and Hunter Lockwood (Myaamia Center, Miami University) with the help of Savana Stauss, Anushri Kartik-Narayan, Rachel Fedorchak, and Eleanor Sand.

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. BCS-1953103.

You can cite this bibliography using the following model:

Macaulay, Monica & Hunter Thompson Lockwood. 2024. Algonquian Components Bibliography. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5115261.

If you see an error in this bibliography, or would like to suggest any additions, please email Monica Macaulay at


Total references: 486